Adjusting the Master Effect 1 Send amount for each track
(1)Press the SEND key to access the “EFF1Send” tab page.
(2)Set the master effect 1 sends to pre-fader.
You can choose to send either the pre-fader signal (PRE) or the post-fader sig-
nal (PST) to master effect 1.
Click the PRE (PST) button beside the knob icon to make your choice. For this
example, select “PRE” for all tracks that will be using master effect 1.
(3)Adjust the send amount of each track.
Using the Knob Matrix adjust the send value for your recorded tracks.
Set the send value to “0” for any tracks that you don’t want to use master
effect 1.
(4)Make settings for master effect 2 in the same way, using the “MstrEFF2”
and “EFFSend2” tab pages.
Checking and adjusting the master effect
(1)Play back the song.
As the song plays, listen to the output of the master bus to hear the results of
your effect settings.
(2)Adjust the return form the master effects.
Press the EFFECT key and the“MstrEFF1” (or “MstrEFF2”) tab page. Adjust
the return level and return balance from the master effect to the master bus.
For this example, set “Return Level” to “100,” and “Return Balance” to “C.”
(3)If the output level meter is clipping, click the TRIM knob icon in the LCD
screen, and use value dial or the + or – keys to adjust the trim so that clip-
ping does not occur.
For details on editing the parameters of the selected effect, refer to “4. Editing
the effects” (→p.56) in the Operation section.
Effect 1
From the EQ output of
each channel/track
Master bus