Quick Start
Step 1: PreparationsStep 2: Quick recordingStep 3: OverdubbingStep 4: Mixdown and
3. Listen to the demo song
When it ships from the factory, the D3200 contains pre-recorded demo songs.
This section explains how to listen to one of the demo songs.
(1)Press the SONG key.
(2)Make sure that the demo song is
shown in the upper part of the
(3)Set all the channels to play mode.
Press the REC/PLAY key, and check
that the track 1 through 16 channel
keys are set to Play (lit green). Press
the 17–32 key and make sure that
the track 17 through 32 channel keys
are also set to Play (lit green).
If any key is set to Record (lit red), press that key to change the status to Play
(lit green).
If the key located above the master fader is lit, press it several times to make it
go dark.
(4)Press the PLAY key to start playing the demo song.
(5)Adjust the Monitor Level.
Slowly turn the MONITOR LEVEL knob toward the right to adjust the play-
back volume. If you have connected headphones, turn both the MONITOR
LEVEL knob and the PHONES LEVEL knob slowly toward the right to
adjust the volume.
(6)Adjust the “mix.”
While the song plays, operate the channel faders and notice how the balance
between the tracks changes.
(7)When the demo song ends, press the STOP key.
Hold down the STOP key and press the REW key to return to the beginning
of the song (→p.37 “2. Location”).
Step 1: Preparations