Algorithm listProgram listStereo type
Monaural type
: Oscillator Frequency [Hz]
This parameter sets the oscillator frequency.
This effect simulates a rotary speaker, and obtains a more re-
alistic sound by simulating the rotor in the low range and the
horn in the high range separately. The effect also simulates
the stereo microphone settings.
: Horn Acceleration, : Rotor Acceleration
On a real rotary speaker, the rotation speed is accelerated or
decelerated gradually after you switch the speed. The “Horn
Acceleration” parameter sets the speed at which the rotation is
accelerated or decelerated.
: MicDistance, : MicSpread
This is a simulation of stereo microphone settings.
Category: Reverb&Delay
Reverb/delay-type effects
L-R Phase (LFO L-R Phase) –180...+180deg
Sets the LFO phase difference between the left and right
L Delay (L Delay Time) 0...2.730sec
Sets the left delay time
R Delay (R Delay Time) 0...2.730sec
Sets the right delay time
HiDamp (High Damp) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the damping amount in the high range
L Fdback (L Feedback) –100...+100%
Sets the feedback amount for the left channel
R Fdback (R Feedback) –100...+100%
Sets the feedback amount for the right channel
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
In Level (Input Level) 0...100%
Sets the input level to the effect
30: Rotary Speaker
Speed Sw (Speed Switch) Slow, Fast
Switches the speaker rotation speed between slow and fast
HornRatio (Horn Ratio) Stop, 0.50...2.00
Adjusts the (high-range side) horn rotation speed. Standard
value is 1.00. Selecting “Stop” will stop the rotation
RotorRatio (Rotor Ratio) Stop, 0.50...2.00
Adjusts the (low-range side) rotor rotation speed. Standard value
is 1.00. Selecting “Stop” will stop the rotation
Rotor:Horn (Horn:Rotor Balance) Rotor, 1:99...99:1, Horn
Sets the level balance between the high-range horn and low-
range rotor
Rotate Sw (Rotate Switch) Rotate, Stop
Switches between speaker rotation and stop
HrnAccel (Horn Acceleration) 0...100
How quickly the horn rotation speed in the high range is
RtrAccel (Rotor Acceleration) 0...100
Determines how quickly the rotor rotation speed in the low
range is switched
MicDistance 0...100
Sets the distance between the microphone and rotary speaker
MicSpread 0...100%
Sets the angle of left and right microphones
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
Category No. Name Size
Reverb&Delay 31 Mono Reverb Hall 1
32 Mono Reverb Plate 1
33 Mono Reverb Room 1
34 Mono ER 1
35 Mono Delay 1
36 Mn.Multitap Delay 1
Modulation&Pitch 37 Mono Chorus 1
38 Mono Flanger 1
39 Mono Phaser 1
40 Mono Tremolo 1
41 Mn.Pitch Shifter 1
Dynamics&Filter 42 Mono Compressor 1
43 Mono Limiter 1
44 Mono Expander 1
45 Mono Gate 1
46 Mono Filter 1
47 Mono Wah 1
SFX&etc 48 AnalogRecord 1
49 Mn.Ring Modulator 1
50 Tube Pre Amp Sim 1
51 Mic Simulator 2
Multi 52 GuitarMulti 8
31: Mono Reverb Hall
32: Mono Reverb Plate
Rev Time (Reverb Time) 0.1...10.0sec
Sets the reverberation time
LoDamp (Low Damp) THRU, 21Hz...8.00kHz
Sets the damping amount in the low range
HiDamp (High Damp) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the damping amount in the high range
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
SideRflct (Side Reflection) 0...100%
Sets the amount of reflections from the side walls
BackRflct (Back Reflection) 0...100%
Sets the amount of reflection from the back wall
33: Mono Reverb Room
Rev Time (Reverb Time) 0.1...3.0sec
Sets the reverberation time
LoDamp (Low Damp) THRU, 21Hz...8.00kHz
Sets the damping amount in the low range
HiDamp (High Damp) 53Hz...20.0kHz, THRU
Sets the damping amount in the high range
Dry:Wet Dry, 1:99...99:1, Wet
Sets the balance between the effect and dry sounds
SideRflct (Side Reflection) 0...100%
Sets the amount of reflections from the side walls
BackRflct (Back Reflection) 0...100%
Sets the amount of reflection from the back wall
Monaural type
Stereo type