2e-5. Rec Send
Here you can set the position from which signals will be sent
from each mixer channel to the recording tracks.
If you select the pre-fader setting (PRE), the signal will be re-
corded at the level immediately before the fader, regardless
of how the fader is adjusted.
With the pre-fader setting, the recording level will be the
same as when the post-fader (PST) setting is used with the
fader level set to unity (0 dB).
This specifies whether the signal will be recorded at the
level immediately before the fader (Pre Fader) or the level
immediately after the fader (Post Fader).
PRE: Immediately before fader location
PST: Immediately after fader location
2. Select All
Links the PRE/PST buttons of all channels.
2f-1. Solo
Use this function when you want to listen to just one (or
more) of the channels, or to check the audio being routed to
the sends. The solo signal is output from the MONITOR L/R
jacks and the PHONES jacks.
You can also adjust the settings so that the solo signal is out-
put from the MASTER L/R jacks.
1. CH buttons [1…32]
Use these buttons to turn the Solo function on (high-
lighted) or off for each channel. When one of these but-
tons is on, the D3200 will automatically switch to Solo
mode, and the each channel key of that channel will
blink. You can also Solo a channel by pressing the SOLO
key on the panel. All of the channel keys will blink. Press
the channel key for the channel you wish to solo.
2. Send, Return buttons
Use these buttons to turn the Solo function on (high-
lighted) or off for each send or return.
Aux1, Aux2:
Solo the send signal to external output AUX 1, 2 jacks
EFF1 Send, EFF2 Send:
Solo the send signal to effects 1 or 2
EFF1 Return, EFF2 Return:
Solo the return signal from effects 1 or 2
To adjust the volume of each signal, use the pages or
knobs that adjust each signal.
Be aware that depending on the settings, changing these selec-
tions may cause a sudden change in the monitor volume.
3. Solo→Master
This specifies whether the soloed audio will be output
from the MASTER L/R jacks. Use this setting if your
monitor system is connected to the MASTER L/R jacks
and you want to listen to the soloed audio through these
4. Mode
If you switch from Mix to Last, all solo settings will be turned
5. ClearAll
Turns all solo settings off.
Last: Solo only the last-selected signal (multiple selec-
tions are not possible)
Mix: Solo all selected signals (multiple selections are pos-