Quick Start
Step 1: PreparationsStep 2: Quick recordingStep 3: OverdubbingStep 4: Mixdown and
(2)Select a track for EQ.
Click the CH cell, and use the value dial or the panel + or – keys and select
one of your recorded tracks that needs more EQ.
Alternatively, you can press the CH SELECT key and press a channel key to
select the channel to which you want to apply EQ.
(3)Set the meters to monitor the input and prefader levels (IN/PRE).
Click the position cell and set it to read IN/PRE. These settings allow you to
simultaneously check the input signal level, and the level of the signal imme-
diately after the EQ has been applied.
(4)While listening to the playback, use the Knob Matrix to adjust the EQ.
If the track you want to EQ is not playing back, turn the REC/PLAY key on, be
sure the channel key for that track is set to Play (key lit green).
If the level meter (PRE) clips, click the ATT knob icon in the LCD screen and adjust it to a
value that does not cause clipping.
Adjusting the pan
Adjust the stereo position of the playback tracks.
Press the PLAY key, press the PAN key, and use the Knob Matrix to adjust the
stereo position of each track.
Using the channel/track sends to apply effects
(Master Effects)
The D3200 contains two master effects that can be
used to apply spatial effects such as reverb.
You can control how much signal from each channel
is being sent to each of the master effects. In addition
to individual sends, the overall effects balance is also
controlled by the effect return level.
Selecting a master effect
(1)Press the EFFECT key to access the “MstrEFF1” tab page.
(2)Select an effect type.
Click the popup button beside the effect name, and the
Select EFF Category dialog box will appear.
(3)Select an effect program.
Click a category button in the LCD screen, and the Select
EFF Program dialog box will appear.
For this example press “Club” and then click the OK but-
ton. If you want to go back and look in another category,
click Cancel button.
Effect 1
Effect 2
From the EQ
output of
each ch.
Master bus
Step 4: Mixdown and