Equalizer, EQ
A device that modifies the frequency response to change
the tonal character. There are various types, including
parametric equalizers, graphic equalizers, and shelving
To output or write data for use by another system or pro-
Expression pedal
A pedal used to control the volume or parameters of an
instrument or effect.
“Fade-in” means to gradually raise the volume to a
desired level, and “fade-out” means to gradually lower
the volume to silence.
A linear control that adjusts the volume of input channels
and outputs.
A short improvisatory phrase differing from the sur-
rounding measures of the song, typically one measure
long, that is added as ornamentation to mark sections in
the song such as between verses or choruses.
Final effect
On the D3200, the effect processor that is applied to the
master bus as the final stage of mixdown.
To apply processing to a CD-R/RW disc that has been
recorded using the Track At Once method, so that no fur-
ther data can be written to it even though space may
remain on the disc.
Foot controller
A term covering various foot-operated control devices
such as foot switches and foot pedals.
Foot switch
A switch operating by pressing it with the foot.
To prepare a storage medium (such as a hard disk) so that
data can be written to it.
Frame rate
The number of frames that occupy one second of film;
describes the type of time-code format used when syn-
chronizing with video equipment.
Frequency band
A specific portion or region of the range from low to high
Positive (+) boosts a signal, and negative (–) gain attenu-
ates it.
Hard disk
A storage device containing one or more metal disks with
magnetic recording surfaces. Also called “hard drive” or
“hard disk drive.”
A type of noise that is output at a constant level regard-
less of the recording level, typical of magnetic recording
Humanize effect
An effect that adds intentional inaccuracy to a perform-
ance in order to give it a more natural sound.
A small graphic element that visually indicates content or
Image file
Before writing data to a CD-R/RW, the data is converted
into the form in which it will actually be written. This is
the image file. An image file must be created before writ-
ing to CD-R/RW, but if the same song is to be written to
another disc, the image file need not be re-created. This
means that it will take less time to write the second disc
because the image file has already been created.
The alternating-current resistance to an audio signal. This
generally indicates the added resistance of an audio sig-
nal input or output.
To obtain or load data created by another system or pro-
Insert effect
An effect used by inserting it into a mixer channel.
A collection of multiple sets of data for a specific pur-
pose. The D3200 provides EQ libraries and name librar-
A marker function that lets you store a desired location in
a song, and move instantly to that location when desired.
The distance from the beginning of the song, expressed as
an absolute time, number of frames, or number of meas-
A point that can be assigned to a song to indicate a loca-
tion that you want to use or store for later access.
A device that controls another device (e.g., via MIDI).
The device being controlled is called the “slave.”
Master effect
On the D3200, refers to two effects that are applied to sig-
nals sent from the effect sends of each track. The output
of each master effect is sent to the master bus.
Master track
A track that holds the stereo two-channel data for the
completed song.
The process of making final adjustments to the balance
and overall tone of mixed-down two-track master data.
MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a world-
wide data transfer standard for sending a wide variety of
performance-related data between electronic musical
instruments and computers. If you are interested in
learning more about MIDI, please refer to one of the
many published books that provide helpful and in-depth
explanations of MIDI.