
Appendix H - Deployment Into Microsoft Environments
Polycom®, Inc. 988
As in previous versions, SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration) continues to be supported.
System behavior can be controlled by adding the IPV6_AUTO_ADDRESS_CONFIGURATION_METHOD
System Flag and setting its value as required.
AUTO—(default) Use DHCPv6 first in case of failure use SLAAC.
For more information see,
Modifying System Flags
System Flags for Cropping Control
Cropping occurs when the video source (endpoint) aspect ratio is different from the video cell aspect ratio
in the Polycom Video Layout.
For all endpoints other than ITP endpoints and panoramic cells the Collaboration Server calculates the
mismatch percentage between the source video aspect ratio and Polycom video layout cell aspect ratio. The
mismatch percentage is used to determine whether cropping or striping will be applied to the video cell in
the Polycom video layout.
For non-panoramic layouts, cropping and striping can be controlled by adding the
CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_GENERAL System Flag and setting its value accordingly.
For panoramic layouts, cropping and striping can be controlled by adding the
CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_PANORAMIC System Flag and setting its value accordingly.
For both System Flags:
Range: -1-100.
Default: -1
If the calculation result is less than or equal to the value of the
CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_GENERAL System Flag, cropping will be applied.
If the calculation result is greater than the value of the
CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_GENERAL System Flag, striping will be applied.
If the CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_GENERAL System Flag value is set to 0, cropping will
not be applied.
If the CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_GENERAL System Flag value is set to -1 cropping will
always be applied.
If the CROPPING_PERCENTAGE_THRESHOLD_GENERAL System Flag value is set to 100, always
apply cropping with the exception of mobile aspect ratios. Mobile aspect ratios are those with a larger
vertical aspect than horizontal for example 3:4.
Example: A mobile Lync client sends 288x352 (3:4) aspect ratio. Cropping this resolution to 16:9 would
require the cropping of 190 pixels on the vertical aspect. The mismatch calculation would yield 190/352 ~54.
If the applicable System Flag's value is set to >= 54, striping, rather than cropping, is applied.
For more information see,
Modifying System Flags