
Video Protocols and Resolution Configuration for CP Conferencing
Polycom®, Inc. 122
High Profile - Endpoints that support H.264 High Profile connect at these minimum threshold bit
In Sharpness mode
In Motion mode
Although the default minimum threshold bit rates provide acceptable video quality, the use of higher bit rates
usually results in better video quality but will require more resources.
The Base Profile and High Profile sliders operate in the same manner in Sharpness and in Motion.
Video Resource usage is affected by the Resolution Configuration settings. The lower the line rate threshold
set for a certain resolution the more resources will be used to connect that participant (as a higher resolution
will be used).
Modifying the Resolution Configuration in MPMx Card Configuration
Moving the slider of a certain resolution to the left reduces the line rate threshold required for the endpoints
to connect using that resolution (resulting in higher video quality, more video resources). Moving the slider
to the right, increases the line rate required for the endpoint to connect using that resolution (resulting in
lower video quality, less video resources).