Ultra Secure Mode
Polycom®, Inc. 815
For a detailed description of the installation and configuration of an MCU in a Maximum Security
Environment see First Time Installation and Configuration in the RealPresence Collaboration Server (RMX)
1500/2000/4000 Deployment Guide for Maximum Security Environments.
● After modifying the value of the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag to YES, all Collaboration
Server users are forced to change their Login passwords.
● In previous versions the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag was named JITC_MODE:
When upgrading from a version that used the JITC_MODE System Flag, the system will
automatically create an ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag and set it to the same value as
that of the JITC_MODE flag before the upgrade. The system will then delete the JITC_MODE
System Flag.
When downgrading to a version that utilizes the JITC_MODE System Flag, the administrator will
need to set the JITC_MODE flag to that of the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE flag before the
Modifying the Ultra Secure Mode System Flag Value
Ultra Secure Mode can be enabled by changing the value of the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE System Flag to
YES during First Entry Configuration or at any time using the Setup > System Configuration menu.
When the ULTRA_SECURE_MODE flag is set to YES, the following are not supported:
• Connection to Alternate Management
Network via LAN3 port
• SUPPORT user
• Auditor user
• Chairperson user
• Connections to External Databases
• IP Sec security protocols
• ISDN Cascade
• SSH server
• USB key configuration
• Web link (Hyperlink in Participant Properties
dialog box)
• QoS with IPv6
• PCO (MS-Outlook)
• Video Preview
• Serial connection
• Modem connection