Collaboration Server Hardware Monitoring
Polycom®, Inc. 887
View LAN Properties
Depending on your product model, a Collaboration Server may contain various numbers of external LAN
To view a LAN connector properties:
1 In the Hardware Monitor pane, double-click LANS.
The LAN list opens.
2 Double-click a desired LAN to view its properties.
The information will be refreshed every eight seconds and also contains a peek detector to log the
maximal values, since the last peek values reset.
Temperature Thresholds
On each Collaboration Server card or there are temperature sensors that are placed near specific
components on the media card. In the Hardware Monitor you can view the properties of each card together
with their temperature statuses. By right clicking on any card and viewing the cards Properties, the Active
Alarms tab displays all the card sensors, their statuses and lists each sensor’s temperature specifications.
When the temperature on the cards initially rises, a fault could be triggered and can viewed in the System
Alerts, Faults List. Load issues can arise when the system nears the maximum conference mark or high port
capacity occurs on an Collaboration Server resulting in Upper Major or Upper Critical faults.