Defining AVC-Based Conference Profiles
Polycom®, Inc. 63
16 Click the Skins tab to modify the background and frames.
The New Profile - Skins dialog box opens.
17 Select one of the Skin options.
Auto mute noisy
This option is automatically enabled in new Profiles. When enabled, the RMX can
detect AVC endpoints with a noisy audio channel and automatically mute them,
reducing the noise heard by other conference participants. When the auto muted
endpoint becomes the “speaker” the endpoint is automatically un-muted by the
system. If the speaker halts his/her conversation and the line still emits noises, the
endpoint will be automatically muted again.
Clear this check box to disable the feature.
For more details, see Automatic Muting of Noisy Endpoints.
• In Classic View (for the first two skin options) the frames fill the screen with their borders touching.
• When Telepresence Mode is enabled, the Skin options are disabled as the system uses a black
background and the frames and speaker indication are disabled.
New AVC CP Profile - Audio Settings Parameters
Field/Option Description