
Appendix A - Disconnection Causes
Polycom®, Inc. 897
7 Call awarded and being
delivered in an Established
The incoming call is being connected to a channel previously
established for similar calls.
8 Pre-Emption The call has been pre-empted.
9 Pre-Emption – Circuit
reserved for reuse
Call is being cleared in response to user request.
16 Normal Call Clearing Call cleared normally because user hung up.
17 User Busy Dialed number is busy.
18 No User Responding The called user has not answered the call.
19 No Answer from User
(User Alerted)
Called user has received call alert, but has not responded within a
prescribed period of time. Internal network timers may initiate this
20 Subscriber Absent User is temporarily absent from the network - as when a mobile user
logs off.
21 Call Rejected Called number is either busy or has compatibility issues.
Supplementary service constraints in the network may also initiate the
22 Number Changed Same as Cause 1. The diagnostic field contains the new called user
number. Cause 1 is used if the network does not support this cause
26 Non-Selected User
The incoming call has not been assigned to the user.
27 Destination Out-of-Order Messages cannot be sent to the destination number because the span
may not be active.
28 Invalid Number Format
(address incomplete)
The Type of Number (TON) is incorrect or the number is incomplete.
Network, Unknown and National numbers have different formats.
29 Facility Rejected User requested supplementary service which cannot be provided by
the network.
30 Response to STATUS
A STATUS message has been received in response to a prior STATUS
31 Normal, Unspecified A normal, unspecified disconnection has occurred.
34 No Circuit/Channel
No B-Channels are available for the call.
38 Network Out-of-Order Network is out-of-order because due to a major malfunction.
39 Permanent Frame Mode
Connection Out-of-Service
A permanent frame mode connection is out-of-service. This cause is
part of a STATUS message.
ISDN Disconnection Causes
Number Summary Description