
Defining Cascading Conferences
Polycom®, Inc. 231
Cascading Between Two MCUs Using an ISDN Link
In this topology, an ISDN participant from conference running on MCU A calls a conference running
on MCU B over an ISDN link.
Content is restricted. When another endpoint wants to send content, the first endpoint must stop
sending content before the second endpoint can initiate or send content.
Endpoints that do not support H.239 can receive the Content using the Send Content to Legacy
Endpoints option.
When a participant joins a conference with active Content, content cannot be viewed by the new
participant. Restart the Content.
Cascaded MCUs/Gateways must be registered with the same Gatekeeper or neighboring
Gatekeepers. MCUs and endpoints must also be registered with Gatekeepers.
Gateway/MCU calls require definition of IVR Services. For more information see Defining the IVR
Service for Gateway Calls.
Gateway to Gateway Calls via ISDN Cascading Link
When H.323 participants connects to another IP participants via a Gateway to Gateway call over an ISDN
link, the dialing string includes the following components:
[GW A prefix in GK] - The prefix with which the RealPresence Collaboration Server (gateway) is
registered to the gatekeeper.
[GW Profile ID] - The ID of the Gateway Profile defined on Gateway A to be used for routing the call to
the Gateway B.
[GW Profile ISDN/PSTN number] - The dial-in number assigned to the Gateway Profile defined on
Gateway B, including the required country and area codes.
The content sharing protocol is H.263 when sent over ISDN Cascading link.