
Administration and Utilities
Polycom®, Inc. 709
Listed are the resource capacities for different system configurations, licenses, and conferencing modes.
Resource Capacity in Non-Mixed Conferences
The port consumption ratios of different calls against that of a HD 720 p30 call are as shown in this table.
In other words, to make a1080p60 call, you need four 720p 30 ports; to make a 1080p 30 call, two 720p 30
ports; and so forth.
When the required resource is not a whole number, it’s rounded up to the nearest whole number. For
example, to make an SVC call requiring1/3 of an HD 720 p30 port. In fact, one port will be allocated.
Resource Capacity in Mixed Conferences
The the port consumption of different calls in mixed conferences are shown in the following table.
In other words, to make one 720 p30 call in a mixed conference, you need two license ports; to make one
1080 p30 call, three license ports; and so forth.
When the required resource is not a whole number, it’s rounded up to the nearest whole number. For
example, to make an SVC call requiring1/3 of a license port. In fact, one port will be allocated.
For more information about resources licenses and capacities for the various Collaboration Server 1800
media card configurations, see the Realpresence Collaboration Server (RMX) 1800 Hardware Guide.
Port consumption ratios of different calls
HD720p 30 HD1080p 60 HD1080p 30 SD CIF Audio SVC
1 4 2 1/21/21/31/3
Port Consumption Ratios, in Mixed Conferences
HD720p30 HD1080p60 HD1080p30 AVC SD AVC CIF Audio SVC
1.5 NA 3 3/4 3/4 3/4 1/3