Marking Up Fields
There are two types of field.
❐ Number Fields: These are for inputting telephone numbers, personal codes,
the number of pages in the fax message (Page Count), and the transmission
start time (when using Send Later or TRD).
❐ Name Fields: These are for any names and labels that you need to input.
Number Fields
Each digit in a number field consists of a 3 x 3 rectangular array of dots. You can
only write down the characters shown in the following diagram.
Caution: You must write each character exactly as shown below, clearly,
carefully, and unambiguously. Otherwise, the machine may store
the wrong data or dial the wrong telephone number. The machine
cannot always detect errors in the data.
Note: ❐ If you wish to send Tonal Signals after a telephone number, use ’ •’ to
indicate the start of the tonal signal. See page 115 for more details on
Tonal Signals.
❐ If you wish to input a pause in the telephone number, use a ’ - ’ to indi -
cate a pause.