4. Mark up the Quick and Speed Dials that you wish to place in this Group. Each
Quick and Speed Dial has one box above it.
Example: Store Quick Dials 01, 02, 06, 10, and 27, and Speed Dials 00, 01,
05, 16, 24, and 39 into the Group.
Transmission Program Sheet
You can use this sheet to send a fax message. Using this sheet, you can send
your fax message to more than one destination, and you can select a range of
transmission options. However, you can only dial one full telephone number; all
the others must be Quick Dials, Speed Dials, or Groups.
1. At the top of the sheet, next to Trans. Mode, mark up either the box above
"Memory" or the box above "Immediate".
2. Mark up the required contrast, resolution, and halftone type. Also, indicate
whether the marker should be ON or OFF, and whether your transmission is in
Group 3 or Group 4 mode.
3. If you wish to input one of the destinations as a full telephone number, write it
down in the "Address (Fax No.)" field.
❐ See "Number Fields" on page 168 for how to do this.
4. Mark each Quick Dial, Speed Dial, and Group that you wish to be the
destinations for this fax message.
For example, if you wish to use Quick Dial 01 as a destination, mark the box
above 01 in the "Address (Quick Dial)" area.
5. If you wish to use Send Later (shown as DIAL AT on the OMR sheet), TRD,
Personal Code, or Page Count, fill the appropriate fields.
❐ See "Number Fields" on page 168 for how to do this.