ADCP-75-192 • Issue 2 • June 2007
Page 37
© 2007, ADC Telecommunications, Inc. DHCP Address Range
The DHCP address range portion of the script first prompts the operator for the beginning of the
range. It uses the IP address and netmask input described previously to provide a default lower
limit of XXX.YYY.ZZZ.3. When in doubt, depress the enter key to select the default lower
limit. Likewise, a default upper limit will be generated, servicing nodes up to and including
XXX.YYY.ZZZ.250. Again, unless a different upper limit is desired, simply press the enter key
to use the default value. Default Gateway / Router
At the prompt, enter the IP address of the router interfacing with the node being configured. If
there is to be no upstream router, enter in the IP address of the Hubmaster node itself. Failure to
enter a valid IP address in this field will result in the improper network operation of the
Digivance CXD/NXD System. HUBMASTER Domain
Each Hubmaster node requires its own domain to service. This is to allow multiple Hubmaster
nodes to use the same upstream DNS, and also negates the problem where slave nodes try to
talk to the “wrong” Hubmaster. The default value is Digivance CXD/NXD, which is suggested
to be changed to something more descriptive in the target network. At a minimum, numbering
the domains serially will achieve the desired result (i.e. Digivance CXD/NXD, Digivance CXD/
NXD-4XD-G22, etc.). DNS Forwarding
The script will prompt “Enter a list of upstream DNS servers, one per line: (control-d when
done)” to set up DNS forwarding. It is expecting as input the IP address of each Domain Name
Server that the Hubmaster node can connect to. If there are no upstream DNS servers, leave this
entry blank. Hit CNTRL-D when finished entering DNS upstream servers. NTP Service
The script will prompt “Enter a list of NTP servers, one per line: (control-d when done)” to set
up NTP services, which will allow the data/time to be pushed to this domain from the
configured servers. If none are specified, then the Hubmaster will use its current time as the
default. SNMP Trap Sinks
The script will prompt “Enter a list of SNMP v1 trap-sinks, one per line: (control-d when
done)” in order to set up any SNMP-V1 trap receivers that traps should be transmitted to. The
Note: It is advisable to reboot the Hubmaster node once the script has been run to ensure
that the modifications made via configure-hubmaster are in effect.