Digital Video Recorder Search and playback | en 81
Bosch Security Systems User Manual F01U | 2.0 | 2008.12
• You can also use the COPY button on the front panel for export function.
- DVR-16K/DVR-16L: Press ALT and then COPY button.
- DVR-8K/DVR-8L: Press COPY button only.
• You can export the recorded data only in the live mode.
• If you use the external USB memory device, the external USB memory
device has to be formatted on this unit.
To format the USB memory
device on the unit, refer to 3.24.8 Backup. In the backup menu you have
to select device to be formatted and press “Erase media”.
• Check the export device before you proceed.
• Export can not be executed while the backup is in progress.
• You can view the exported data with the supplied Archive player software.
• When you export the recorded data, the audio data will also be exported.
• When you export the recorded data the Archive player program will also
be exported in the [ArchivePlayer] folder of the device. The exported data
file name is made automatically as the [Channel name_export date_export
time.exp] type.
• Do not remove the USB device while the export is in progress, it may
cause a malfunction. If you reuse the removed device, you must format
the media by using erase media options.
• The warning message appears for the conditions listed below.
- When the start date/time and end date/time are the same value.
- When the start date/time is later than the end date/time.
- The export media does not have enough space.
- When you set the time for data that does not exist.
• An external media has to be formatted on this unit to prevent a malfunc-
• DVD+RW and DVD-RW discs have to be initialized before using.
• You can format the external media with the backup tab in the setup menu.
• Export time is limited for 16 hours for 1 channel. For 2 channels is this 8
hours, 4 channels 4 hours and so on. If you want to archive 16 channels
simultaneously you have a limit of 1 hour. When attempting more than 16
hours, the message “Invalid export time range” is displayed.
• You can export the customer log file to the USB device using the
[File(Log)] button. The customer log file name is [ExportLog-export date
and time-MAC Address.txt]. When you export the recorded data, the
export information is saved to the customer log file of the DVR’s flash
The customer log file contains the following information.
- DVR information.
- Start date and time when the operator made the export.
- Start date and time of the export clip.
- End date and time of the export clip.
- Destination on which media the operator saved the export (USB or
DVD/CD or IP [via network])
- Exported channel number(s)
- User ID that is logged on the system when an export was made.