Chapter 1
Defining High-Definition
Equipment You’ll Need
To view HD programming, you’ll need, in addition to your DIRECTV HD Receiver:
4 A high-definition TV set (or HDTV monitor)
4 A triple LNB 18” x 20” DIRECTV Multi-Satellite dish antenna
To enjoy select HD programming available on off-air local channels, you will also need an
off-air antenna (sold separately) connected to your DIRECTV HD Receiver. This is possible
only in cities where local broadcast stations make digital TV programs, such as high-definition,
available; reception may vary based on your geographic location.
What You Can Watch
With the DIRECTV HD Receiver, you have access to all types of televised programming,
4 DIRECTV high-definition and standard-definition digital programming via satellite,
including local channels if offered in your area (DIRECTV service subscription required).
4 Local digital TV channels, including any local HD broadcasts shown in your area,
available via an off-air antenna.