Creating a Macro
5.2.5 An LCD Keypad Command
The LCD Keypad command lets you type-in the desired text to the LCD
displays (LCD 1 and LCD 2).
To write an LCD keypad command on an RC button, do the following:
1. Select the KEYPAD_LCD Port (1 or 2).
2. In the RC command area, write the command description (for example,
3. Type-in the desired text.
Figure 34 illustrates the RC Command area as it appears after writing the
Figure 36: Keypad LCD RC Command
5.2.6 Setting the Button State and Color
To write a Button Color command on an RC button, do the following:
1. Select the BUTTON_COLOR Port.
2. In the RC command area, write the command description (for example,
Change Color).
3. Select the Button ID (from 1 to 6) to which this command refers
4. Set the state of the button (On, Off, Fast Blink, Slow Blink), for example, On.
5. Set the Button Color (see Figure 38).
Figure 37 illustrates the RC Command area as it appears after writing the
1 For example, the command is written to button 1 but refers to an action taken for button 4