Feature Codes
Account Code Entry 82 + code + #
Authorization Code Entry 80 + code + #
Callback 55
Call Waiting
pick up call waiting call
Camp-On 57
Direct Voice Mail 56
Extension Status
ES Off 760 + extension
ES1 761 + extension
ES2 762 + extension
Follow Me 34 + extension
inside 33 + extension
outside 33 + dial-out code
+ number + #
Forward and Follow Me
cancel from all extensions
✻ 34 ✻
cancel from one extension
✻ 34 + extension
cancel from your phone 33 + your extension
English 790
French 791
Spanish 792
Last Number Dial 84
cancel message
✻ 53 + extension
leave message 25
leave message without
53 + extension
send/remove message 38 + extension
Night Service 39
Paging loudspeaker 9 + line number
+ zone
group 88
inside 9 + extension
outside 9 + line number
off ✻ 31
on 31
Recall 775
set reminder
81 + extension
+ time + 2 or 7
cancel reminder ✻ 81 + extension
System Speed Dial code (600–729)
Available only by using feature code.
For time functions, English operates on 12-hour clock (2 or 7). French and Spanish operate on 24-hour clock.
␣ ␣ Special Characters ␣
Press... See... Means...
Drop s Stop. Halts dialing sequence to allow for system response.
Hold p Pause. Inserts 1.5-sec. pause in dial sequence. Multiple consecutive pauses
Conf f Flash. Sends switchhook flash. Must be first entry in sequence.
## # For Extension Programming only (
Ext Program
]): End of Dialing. Use to
signal end of dialing sequence or to separate grouped digits.
##For dialing and Directory listings: End of Dialing. Use to signal end of dialing
sequence or to separate grouped digits.
Features that dial numbers automatically may need special characters to allow for correct dialing or
system response.