Mitel Networks Speech Server
Changing Tasks
To change the date or description of a task
1. Dial the Speech Server extension number. Login if necessary.
2. Say "Task Manager."
3. Say "Review." You can also say "Next," "Previous," "Delete," or "Play again."
4. When you get to the task that you want to modify, say "Make changes."
Deleting Tasks
To change the date or description of a task
1. Dial the Speech Server extension number. Login if necessary.
2. Say "Task Manager."
3. Say "Review." You can also say "Next," "Previous," or "Play again."
4. When you get to the task that you want to delete, say "Delete."
Say... To
"Change due date" Request a different due date
"Change start date" Request a different start date
"Change reminder" Modify the reminder
"Changes complete" Save your changes and return to Task Manager.