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7 UTILITY PACKAGE (GX Configurator-CT)
[Explanation of items]
(1) Items
Setting item : Displays I/O signals and buffer memory names.
Current value : Monitors the I/O signal states and present buffer memory values.
Setting value : Enter or select values to be written into the buffer memory for test
(2) Command buttons
Current value display
Displays the current value of the item selected.
(This is used to check the text that cannot be
displayed in the current value field. However, in
this utility package, all items can be displayed in
the display fields).
Make text file
Creates a file containing the displayed data in text
file format.
Start monitor
/ Stop monitor
Selects whether or not to monitor current values.
Execute test
Performs a test on the selected items. To select
more than one item, select them while holding
down the Ctrl
Closes the window that is currently open and
returns to the previous window.
The following explains an example to change settings for the selected test operation
to the following:
• Counter function selection setting : Sampling counter function
• Counter function selection start command (Y06) : ON
• Sampling/periodic setting [unit: 10 ms] : 1000 ms
(1) Set "Sampling counter function" in the setting value field for CH
function selection setting.
(2) Set "ON" in the setting value field for CH
Counter function selection start
command (Y06).
(3) Click the setting value field for CH
Sampling/periodic setting [unit: 10 ms].
(4) After entering the sampling time, press the Enter
At this point, nothing has been written to the QD62 (E/D).
(5) Select the setting value fields that were specified in steps 1 to 4 while holding
down the Ctrl
Multiple items can also be selected by dragging with the mouse.
(6) Click Execute test
to execute write operation.
Once write operation is completed, the values that were written will be displayed
in the current value field.