3-1 Copying Screens
You can copy designated screens to different screens. To copy a screen, first
designate the source screen number and then designate the target screen
number as described below.
1, 2, 3...
1. Go to the Screen Selection Display.
2. Move the bar cursor to the number of the screen from which data is to
be copied, and then press F1 (Copy).
3. Input the number of the screen to which the data is to be copied, and
then press the Enter Key. (For the NT20M, you can input a screen num-
ber from 1 to 250; for the NT600M, from 1 to 1,000.)
4. Input a comment of up to 24 characters, and press the Enter Key.
5. When copying is complete, a message will be displayed. Press any key
to return to the Screen Selection Display.
Note If screen data already exists at the designated target screen, a verification
message will appear indicating that data already exists and asking you if you
wish to overwrite it. If it is overwritten, any data stored up to that point will be
cleared. If you choose to overwrite the existing data, press the Enter Key. If
Copying Screens Section 3-1