Brand Code
Akai 110
Centurion 112
Daewoo 120
Emerson 141, 143, 144
Fisher 150
GE/RCA 162
Hitachi 180
JVC 190
Magnavox 210, 212
Marantz 220
Panasonic 100, 101, 102
Pioneer 222
Proscan 230
Quasar 101, 103
Radioshack 240
RCA 250, 255
Samsung 260
Sears/Toshiba 130
Sharp 265
Sony 270
Zenith/Inteq 290, 291
Brand Code
Codes for Cable Box
Brand Code
ABC 530
Archer 531, 544
Cableview 005, 544
Citizen 005, 522
Curtis 130, 131
Diamond 530, 531, 544
Eagle 541
Eastern 560
GC Brand 005, 544
Gemini 522
General Instru-
122, 360, 520, 521, 522, 530, 531, 532,
Hamlin 130, 350, 720, 730, 731, 900
Hitachi 003, 530
Macom 003, 004, 005
Memorex 542
Movietime 005, 544
Oak 002, 702, 710
Panasonic 120, 121, 132
Philips 006, 541, 542
Pioneer 001, 260
Pulsar 005, 544
Puser 544
Realistic 544
Regal 130, 350, 720, 730, 731, 900
Regency 560
Rembrandt 005, 544, 702
Samsung 005
Scientific Atlanta 122, 130, 131
Simark 001, 005
Sprucer 005, 121
Stargate 005, 544
Teleview 001, 005
Texscan 810
Tocom 700, 701
Toshiba 004
Unika 531, 544
Universal 522, 544
Videoway 006
Viewstar 541, 542
Zenith 000, 280
Brand Code
Component Codes
The Universal Remote Control is capable of operating many component brands after entering a code.
Some components may not operate because memory is limited. The Universal Remote Control does not
control all features in all models.
Codes for TV