Panasonic TU-HDS20 TV Receiver User Manual

Note: All Data fields must be entered prior to setting the view mode. Timers cannot overlap
between the timers. The first entered timer will override the other timers.
Timer Error Messages
The HDTV Digital Receiver will scan the timer data fields and notify you of any
problems before letting you set the viewing mode.
TIMER Activation
The TIMER is active when the HDTV Digital
Receiver is OFF or ON. The HDTV Digital
Receiver will switch to the selected channel at the
selected time set in the TIMER.
Timer Error Messages
Error Condition Error Message
The system time was not set NOTICE: Clock must be set
No data is entered in any of the timer data
NOTICE: Timer 1 (or 2) data must be
The day of the week was not entered NOTICE: Day must be entered
The start time was not entered NOTICE: Start time must be entered
The stop time was not entered NOTICE: Stop time must be entered
The channel number was not entered NOTICE: Ch number must be entered.
The day conflicts with the other timer NOTICE: Day conflicts with Timer 2 (or 1)
The start time conflicts with the other timer NOTICE: Start conflicts with Timer 2 (or 1)
The stop time conflicts with the other timer NOTICE: Stop conflicts with Timer 2 (or 1)
The stop time conflicts with start time NOTICE: Stop conflicts with start time