RCA CRT Television CRT Television User Manual

This television displays two levels of menu system: master and basic.
Which one is displayed, and what options are available, change
according to which controls (master or basic remote, front panel) are
being used and what limits have been set in the master menu.
The master menus are accessible by pressing MENU on the master
remote (CRK17TD1). The master Main menus are blue and will always
display the same choices, shown at right.
The basic menus are green and are accessible by pressing MENU on a
basic remote (CRK17TC1 or other remote) or the front panel. The choices
available on the basic menus and control panels will vary depending on
limits set by the master user. For more information on the effects of
master user choices on the basic menu and basic user functionality, see
the "Basic Menus" section and the description of the Access and Power
Options menu in the "Master Menus" section.
Menus and choice lists use the point and select rule to navigate, but
control panels use a variety of methods to adjust features on your TV.
The following pages detail how to use these controls to customize the
functions of your TV.
The first menu is called the Main menu. Press MENU on the remote
(master remote for master menu; basic or universal remote for basic
menu) or on the front panel (basic menu) to bring up the Main menu:
Menu choices take you to another menu or a control panel. There are
two ways to select a choice in a menu:
Point with the arrows and then select with MENU or OK.
Press a number button on the remote. For example, in the master
Main menu press 3 to go straight to the Channel menu.
The master Main menu (blue).
The basic Main menu (green). The choices
available in this menu wi!! change according
to limits set by the master user.
Exiting a menu
There are three ways to exit a menu. Not all methods work in all menus:
Point to Exit and press MENU or OK.
Press O on the remote.
Press CLEAR. The on-screen displays are cleared from the screen and
you return to TV viewing.