Getting Started
SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
Enter the time in 24 hour format; that is, if the present time is
4:15 pm, enter 16:15.
3. When the correct date and time is shown on the display, press
. If all values are valid, the instrument will respond with the
message “Time Accepted.” If you have made an error and entered
an invalid date or time, the instrument will respond with an ap-
propriate error message. If that happens, correct the error and press
4. Press any rectangular key to exit the Utility menu, or proceed to
other preliminary settings, as appropriate.
Set the Battery Type
1. After setting the clock, press the B key once to scroll to the Diag-
nostics submenu item, and press
2. In the Diagnostics submenu, scroll down to the Power Manage
item with the
B key. Again, press Enter.
3. The top item in the Power Manage submenu is Battery Type.
Toggle to the selection that matches the type of battery you have
installed in your SDA 601 by pressing either
A or ". The choices
are “rechargeable” and “disposable.” Select rechargeable when
using NiCad AA cells or the optional battery pack; choose dispos-
able when you are using common Alkaline AA batteries, which
cannot be recharged. Press
Enter to confirm the choice.
4. When the correct battery type is indicated by an asterisk (*) on the
lower right of the LCD, continue to Auto Power Off, or press any
rectangular key to exit the Utility/Diagnostics/Power Manage sub-
menu and return to normal operation.
Enable (Disable) Auto Power Off
“Auto Power Off” will switch the instrument off when ten minutes
have passed without a key press. Enable this feature when you are
using battery power and operating in an environment in which un-
planned shutdown of the SDA 601 is permissible.
1. While still in the Utility/Diagnostics/Power Manage submenu,
press the
B key twice to scroll to the Auto Power Off item.