SDA 601 Serial Digital Analyzer User Manual
EDH flag
A digital “marker” inserted in the data stream to feed forward
information regarding detected errors. EDH flags are set by
many input/output devices to help identify faulty equipment in
the signal path. The flags defined in RP-165 are: error detected
here; error detected already; internal error detected here;
internal error detected already; and unknown error status.
EDH Group
An SDA 601 Watch group that contains:
G APCRC EDH errors
G FFCRC EDH errors
G EDH flags (set/not set)
The CRCs and flags are monitored. Flag status is reported, but
not considered an error condition; EDH errors are reported on an
error second basis.
Equalization (EQ)
Process of altering the frequency response of a video amplifier
to compensate for high-frequency losses in coaxial cable.
embedded audio
Digital audio is multiplexed onto a serial digital data stream.
error second
A second that contains at least one error. An error second can
result from one isolated error, or a “burst” of many errors all in
the period of one second.
FFCRC (full field CRC)
A CRC derived from the samples in a full field of digital video.
Described in SMPTE RP-165.
format group
An SDA 601 Watch group that contains:
G Line/field length
G TRS (includes EAV and SAV)
G ANC format
G Zero-length ANC