Vizio SV420XVT1A Flat Panel Television User Manual

VlZlO SV420XVT1A User Manual
4 S0q Channst Block
Press the '_button to highlight the Channel Block selection.
Press the _ button to go to the next screen.
Press the _ button to highlight the channel you want to block.
Press the _ button to block the highlighted channel.
Once the adjustments are completed press the EXIT button to exit the OSD
4°S,IO US TU Ratinq
Follow the procedure in the previous section to display the Parental Control
menu and then press the '_button to highlight the US TV Rating selection.
Press the _ button and the Block TV Rating paneI wiIi be displayed.
In the Block TV Rating panel you can customize the program blocking of the
following TV ratings:
Y - All children
Y7 - Older children
G - General audience
PG - Guidance suggested
14 - Strongly cautioned
MA - Mature audience
You can also customize the TV ratings for the following content:
A - All subratings
D - Sexual dialog
L - Adult language
S - Sexual situations
V - Violence
FV - Fantasy violence
Press the _ or _ button to navigate through the TV rating options.
Press the _ button to block (locked) or allow (unlocked).
Version 6/2/2008 62