10. Service menus
10.3 Identification screen
What can be seen on the identification screen?
The identification screen shows the general information of the projector.
The following items will be displayed:
• Type of projector: CineVERSUM 70
• IR address = address used for the remote control
• RS address = address used with RS232/422 serial communication
• Software version
• Baud rate: transfer speed for communication through RS232/RS422 with an external device or computer. The baud rate of the
projector must be the same as the baud rate of the connected computer or external device.
• Projector Serial number: indicates the fabrication number of the projector. This number can be useful when calling for technical
• Lamp Run Time: gives the total run time since the first start up of this lamp.
• Manufacturing date
How to display the identification window ?
1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Identification. (menu 10-3)
2. Press ENTER to select.
The Identification window appears. (menu 10-4)
IR address : 000
RS232 address : 000
Serial communication
Thermal diagnosis
I2C diagnosis
Menu 10-3
IR address : 000
RS address : 000
Soft. version : 07A00F22Z
Baudrate PC : 19200
Serial number : 6002316
Lamp runtime : 28h
Manuf. Date : Apr. 14 2004
Menu 10-4
10.4 Password
• Enable-disable password
• Modify password
10.4.1 Enable-disable password
Why password ?
With a password it is possible to protect all settings in Advanced Settings, In stallation and Service
When the password is enabled, only person who knows the password can get in.
R5976763 CINEVERSUM 60/70 22042004