10. Service menus
How to setup
1. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Serial Communication. (menu 10-11)
2. Press ENTER to select.
The Serial communication menu will be displayed. (menu 10-12)
3. Push the cursor key ↑ or ↓ to highlight Baudrate PC.
4. Press ENTER to toggle between the different possible baudrates.
The following baudrates are available :
- 1200
- 4800
- 9600
- 19200
IR address : 000
RS232 address : 000
Serial communication
Thermal diagnosis
I2C diagnosis
Menu 10-11
Serial communication
Baudrate PC : 19200
Interface : RS232
Menu 10-12
10.7.2 Serial communication interface selection
About interface selection
The serial port of the projector can accept serial communication via the RS232 protocol or via the RS422 protocol. The protocol
type must be setup.
An Electronic Industries Association (EIA) serial digital interface standard specifying the characteristics of the com-
munication path between two devices using either DB-9 or DB-25 connectors. This standard is used for relatively
short-range communications and does not specify balanced control lines. RS-232 is a serial control standard with a
set number of conductors, data rate, word length and type of connector to be used. The standard specifies component
connection standards with regard to computer interface. It is also called RS-232-C, which is the third version of the
RS-232 standard, and is functionally identical to the CCITT V.24 standard. Logical ’0’ is > + 3V, Logical ’1’ is < - 3V.
The range between -3V and +3V is a the transition zone.
An EIA serial digital interface standard that specifies the electrical characteristics of balanced (differential) voltage,
digital interface circuits. This standard is usable over longer distances than RS-232. This signal gov
erns the asyn-
chronous transmission of computer data at speeds of up to 920,000 bits per second. It is also used as the serial port
standard for Macintosh computers. When the difference between the 2 lines is < - 0.2V that equals with a logical ’0’.
When the difference is > +0.2V that equals to a logical ’1’..
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