Daewoo digibox Satellite TV System User Manual

Using your Sky digibox
If your brand of TV is not listed here, contact your broadcaster’s
helpdesk for further advice. For your broadcaster’s helpdesk number,
select the Telephone Numbers option from the Services screen.
Brand Code Brand Code Brand Code
Akai 0098 Goldstar 0056 Protech 0595
Akura 0042 Goodmans 0335 Pye 0600
Alba 0043 Granada 0340 Roadstar 0625
Amstrad 0063 Grundig 0345 Saba 0645
BPL 0115 Harwood 0361 Saisho 0649
Bang & Olufsen 0118 Hinari 0365 Salora 0651
Baird 0117 Hitachi 0145 Samsung 0060
Beko 0125 ITT 0384 Sanyo 0159
Beon 0899 JVC 0053 Schneider 0665
Brionvega 0147 Loewe 0442 Seleco 0672
Bush 0157 Matsui 0477 Sharp 0093
Crown 0225 Memorex 0037 Siemens 0680
Daewoo 0092 Minoka 0921 Sony 0000
Decca 0244 Mitsubishi 0150 Soundwave 0702
Dual 0257 NEI 0514 Tandy 0741
Ferguson 0293 Nikkai 0528 Tatung 0049
Fidelity 0294 Nokia 0536 Technics 0250
Finlandia 0296 Nordmende 0537 Telefunken 0757
Finlux 0297 Orion 0549 Thomson 0771
Fisher 0154 Panasonic 0051 Thorn 0772
Funai 0179 Philips 0081 Thorn-Ferguson 0936
Genexxa 0330 Pioneer 0166 Toshiba 0156
Remote control setup codes