Using the Program Guides
Chapter 4 41
Movies icon
Movies themes
Sports icon
Sports themes
All icon
Sorting the DIRECTV
Programming Guide by
Select the movies icon to tell the DIRECTV
programming guide to list only DIRECTV
movies. After you select the movies icon, it changes to a movies themes icon.
Select the movies themes icon to sort the guide to list movies by type, such as comedies or
Select a movie theme that interests you.
Sorting the DIRECTV
Programming Guide by
Select the sports icon tell the DIRECTV
programming guide to list only DIRECTV
events. After you select the sports icon, it changes to the sports themes icon.
Select the sports themes icon to sort the guide to list sports by type, such as basketball or
Select a sports theme that interests you.
Listing All DIRECTV
The all icon resets the DIRECTV
programming guide to show all available topics, channels
and listings for the current profile.