System Options and Preferences
Chapter 7 71
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Using the Purchases Menu
The Purchases menu allows you to review upcoming and past DIRECTV
Pay Per View
purchases and edit spending limits.
The Purchases menu shows you upcoming or past DIRECTV purchases and spending limits.
The list of purchases may be longer than one screen; use the down arrow button on the
remote control to see more items. The display also shows the title, channel, date, time, and
cost of each program.
• Note that the past purchases list might not be updated until the end of the billing cycle
and therefore may show purchases for which you have already paid.
Reviewing and Canceling an
Upcoming Purchase
You can review the program description, as well as cancel an upcoming purchase.
Highlight an upcoming purchase from the DIRECTV Future Purchases screen and press
OK. To cancel, select the program, and then press OK.
The Future Purchases screen lets you cancel an upcoming purchase.