Example of pipeline installation (with boundary effect)Figure 1-4:
A. Pipe walls interrupt effective region of meter sensitivity
1.4.2 Flow rate considerations
You must maintain flow rates and velocities to be relatively constant within the limits
specified for the meter. The fluid flow provides a steady heat flow into the meter
installation, and the flow rate influences the self-cleaning of the meter tines and the
dissipation of bubbles and solid contaminants around the meter.
If you install the meter in a bypass configuration (such as in a free-stream installation in a 4-
inch diameter horizontal bypass, or a flow-through chamber): you can maintain flow by
using a pressure drop, pitot scoop, or a sample pump. When using a sample pump, place
the pump upstream from the meter.
1.4.3 Entrained gas considerations
Entrained gas, or gas pockets, can disrupt the measurement of a fluid. A brief disruption in
the signal caused by transient gas pockets can be corrected in the meter configuration,
but you must avoid more frequent disruptions or serious gas entrainment to ensure
accurate and reliable fluid measurement.
To minimize the possibility of entrained gas:
• Keep pipe lines full of fluid at all times.
• Vent any gas prior to the meter installation location.
• Avoid sudden pressure drops or temperature changes which may cause dissolved
gases to break out of the fluid.
6 Micro Motion Fork Viscosity Meter