Users Manual
The horizontal axis displays time; the vertical axis
displays the number of events that occurred in each
time period. In the bar graph above, the time periods
are sorted by date.
Note that the thickness of a bar and its position in a time
period is irrelevant—the bar only displays the number of
events and the time period they occurred in.
Viewing a Single Transient as a Graph
A single transient event between hot and neutral or
neutral and ground can be displayed as a graph
enabling you to see if the transient is causing zero
crossings. A transient graph is produced using the
amplitude, direction and position (in degrees) of the
event. The graphical representation is not intended to
show what the wave form looks like nor does it show the
duration of the transient.
To graph a transient you must choose an event that
contains only one transient—it is not possible to graph
an event consisting of multiple transients.
1. With the Site Report window open at the Events
tab, double-click the single-transient event you
want to graph.
(There are two other ways of opening a transient
graph: select the single-transient event you want to
graph by clicking it, and then, either choose Single
Transient... from the View menu, or click the View
Single Transient button on the ToolBar.)