Chapter 3 • Editing the Channel Profile
Adding a Channel
You can manually configure a new channel or use previous
configurations that you saved as templates. You can add one
channel per installed encoding module. If you logged on as
Guest, you cannot add channels.
To define a new channel:
1. On the MGW 2400 EMS Main window, in the toolbar,
click Add Channels
; the Channel wizard
2. Assign a channel name (e.g. Test) by overwriting the
default in the Channel Name field to the upper left. Every
channel must have a different name. If you try to use a
name that has already been assigned to a different channel,
you receive an error message. A channel name can consist
of up to 256 numbers, letters and spaces.
3. Choose one of the two options listed below.
• From Template. Choose the desired template from
the list.
• From Type. WMT Encoding is the currently
available option.
4. Click Next
, select the desired encoding module and
add targets.
• Encoding modules, which already have a channel
assigned, do not appear in the Modules list.
• To add a target, choose the target type and click Add
. Each channel supports up to eight targets,
which can include one File target.
• To remove a target, click Del