84 Client Application C2631M-A (6/07)
The following table describes the parts of the POS search view.
Table W. Parts of the POS Search View
Item Part Description
Date Date range for which to search the video and data.
Time Time range based on a 24-hour time period for searching POS events.
Allows POS search by transaction information options as follows:
• Device name: The ATM/POS device linked to a specific camera. In this case, selecting a camera linked
to an ATM/POS device automatically inserts the name of the ATM/POS device in the Device Name box.
• Transaction Number: A number assigned by the ATM/POS device that is printed on the sales are
transaction receipt.
Data Information Allows POS search by data information options as follows:
• Transaction with Exception Only: Finds all transactions for which an exception is defined.
• Line Item: Allows you to search POS data by a specific transaction line item, based on the following
– Line item entries are not case sensitive. Enter lower or uppercase characters.
– Specify the asterisk (*) wildcard.
– Search by a single word or multiple words appearing in a transaction line.
– Type the first few characters of the first word appearing in the transaction and the wildcard. For
example, type sma* for a line item containing the entry “small orange juice.” The search returns all
transactions that contain the word “small.”
– Type the first few characters of the second word in a transaction and the wildcard. For example, type
ora* for a line item containing the entry “small orange juice.” The search returns all transactions that
contain the word “orange.”
– Search by abbreviation. For example type 6-pk, for a line item containing the entry “Soda 6-pk.” The
search returns all transactions that contain the abbreviation “6-pk.”
• Action Code: A two-letter abbreviation designating a specific action code. For information about
action codes, refer to the Setting Up ATM/POS Device Properties section in the Operations and
Programming manual.
• Exception Code: A predefined transaction filter used to detect a specific data structure within the
ATM/POS transaction data. For information about exceptions, refer to the Setting Up ATM/POS
Exceptions section in the Operations and Programming manual.
Start and Stop Start: Initiates a search event.
Stop: Ends a search event.
POS Search Table Lists the data discovered in response to the POS options selected for the transaction and data information.
• Channel number: From 1–16.
• Device name: By default, ATM/POS01 to ATM/POS16. The device name can be changed.
• Transaction number: Number assigned by the ATM/POS device to the transaction data.
• Date/Time: Date and time transaction is recorded.
• Exception: Yes if an exception filter is active for the transaction data has an exception. No if the
transaction does not have an exception filter.
The transaction and data information are based on the ATM/POS configuration settings derived from the
• Data format
• ATM/POS exceptions
• Exception action codes
For information about setting up ATM/POS transaction and data options, refer to the Setting Up ATM/POS
Device Properties section in the Operations and Programming manual.
Data Window Area where recorded transaction data is displayed.