C2631M-A (6/07) Client Application 95
Images recorded at 4CIF at a low frame rate per second might move or tear. In this case, you can use the View menu’s Deinterlaced Image option
to enhance the displayed image. In the deinterlaced mode, the DX8100 converts the recorded image and displays it at 2CIF resolution. The
process removes one of the 4CIF interlaced fields (even or odd) from the 4CIF recorded image to arrive at 2CIF resolution for the displayed image.
The original image is retained at the recorded 4CIF resolution.
For exported images, the DX8100 provides a global option for enabling a deinterlacing filter. In this case, the selected channel’s image is
exported at 2CIF resolution. This setting is effective for all channels and cannot be set for individual channels. For more information about
enabling the denaturalizing filter, refer to Enabling the Deinterlacing Filter.
To view video using the deinterlaced option:
1. Click to start video playback.
2. On the menu bar, click View > Display deinterlaced image.
The DX8100 allows simultaneous viewing of live and playback video from a single camera source.
To view live and playback video from the same camera:
1. On the DX8100 toolbar, click .
2. Drag a camera from the Site tree to a view panel.
3. Click to begin playback.
4. Drag the same camera from the Site tree onto a different view panel while video is playing.