Problems during Video CD playback
Symptom Cause Action (See)
The PBC(playback control)
menu displaycannot becalled
The VideoCD playingdoes notfea-
ture PBC.
This operationis notpossible withVideo CDs
not featuringPBC.
Repeatplay and track/time
search arenot possible.
The VideoCD playingfeatures PBC. This operationis notpossible withVideo CDs
featuring PBC.
Problems during multi-channel processor connection
Symptom Cause Action (See)
No soundsare heard.
The volumelevel willnot rise.
Optical cablesare notconnected
Connect thecables correctly.
Multi-channel processoris notcom-
patible witha 96kHz signal.
Switch theoutput settingto 48kHz. (Page 61)
Error messages
When problems occur with disc playback, an error message appears on the display. Refer to the
table below to identify the problem, then take the suggested corrective action. If the error persists,
contact your dealer or your nearest PIONEER Service Center.
Message Cause Action (See)
ERROR-02 Dirtydisc Clean disc.
Scratched disc Replacedisc.
The discis loadedupside down Check thatthe discis loadedcorrectly.
ERROR-05 Electricalormechanical PressRESET.
DIFFERENT REGIONDISC The discdoes nothave thesame re-
gion numberas thisunit
Replacethe DVD videowith onebearing the
correct regionnumber.
NON PLAYABLE DISC This typeof disccannot beplayed
by thisunit
Replacethe disc withone thisunit canplay.
The temperatureof thisunit is out-
side thenormal operatingrange
Wait untilthe unitstemperature returnsto
within normaloperating limits.
PROTECT All the fileson theinserted discare
secured bydigital rightsmanage-
ment (DRM)
TRK SKIPPED The inserteddisc containsWMA
files thatare protectedby digital
rights management(DRM)
Additional Information
Additional Information