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5.12 Recording Setup
In main menu, there is an icon named “Recording”. You can enter into recording menu as
“Recording” menu description:
If HD Full:There are two options:“Overwrite” and “Stop recording”. If you select
“Overwrite” option, when all HDDs in DVR are full, DVR will overwrite the earliest
recorded files and continue recording. If you select “Stop recording” option, when all HDDs
are all full, DVR will handle it as “Hard Disk Full” exception, please refer to chapter 5.17 for
exception menu.
Select Camera:Here all channels are listed. You can use【↑】【↓】keys to select one.
Stream Type:There are two options, one is “Audio&Video” stream and the other is “Video”
stream only. If you want to record video and audio, please select “Audio&Video” option,
otherwise you can select “Video” option to record only video.
Note:If you change this option, please reboot DVR to make parameter into effective.
Resolution:The higher resolution is, the clearer the image is. The resolution options from
low to high are:QCIF, CIF, 2CIF, DCIF, 4CIF.
DVR-470 supports QCIF and CIF. 100FPS (PAL) or 120FPS (NTSC)
DVR-1670 supports QCIF and CIF. First 8-ch has 100FPS and second 8-ch has 100FPS
(PAL) or first 8-ch has 120FPS and second 8-ch has 120FPS (NTSC)
Note:If you change this resolution option, please reboot DVR to make it into effective.
Bit Rate Type:There are two options:“Variable” and “Fixed”.