Page 71
Username, password and Verify password:Only used when work mode is “PPP”. Used for
login when remote PC dialup through PSTN.
Phone:Only used when work mode is “PPP” and PPP mode is “Active”. It is the phone
number of remote PC.
Callback and Data Encryption:Only used when work mode is “PPP”. They are not
Confirm:Save parameters and return main menu.
Cancel:Abort modification and return main menu.
Example:PPP (Modem) passive dialup through PSTN
There are two Modems. One is connected DVR RS-232 port with DCE cable. The other is
connected with PC COM port.
Setup at DVR end
Step 1:RS232 setup Setup baud rate, data bit, stop bit, parity and flow control. They must be
the same as those of modem connected with PC.
Step 2:Video setup In “Recording” menu, select the camera you want to transfer through
PSTN. If you set CIF resolution, we suggest you set frame rate as 1 FPS. If you set QCIF
resolution, the frame rate can be selected under 4FPS. You can adjust bit rate, resolution and
frame rate according to real conditions.