truVision DVR 31 User Manual 23
Chapter 4
Basic operation
This chapter describes the basic operation of the DVR 31 such as how to turn on
the unit, log on, control a PTZ camera, play back video, and archive recorded
video files.
Turning on the DVR 31 24
Live mode 24
Right-click mouse menu 25
Viewing in full screen 25
Viewing in multiscreen 26
Spot monitor 26
Controlling the spot monitor 26
Logging on 27
Logging off 28
Controlling a PTZ camera 28
Accessing PTZ mode
PTZ control buttons 29
Calling up a preset PTZ point 30
Exiting the PTZ control mode 30
Playing back video 30
Instant video playback 31
Searching video for playback 31
Playback controls 35
Exiting playback mode 36
Archiving recorded files 36
Using Quick Archive in live mode 37
Using the Archive screen in live mode 37
Archiving a video segment in playback mode 39
Using the DVR player 39
Turning off the DVR 31 41