196 Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D
12.10.1 Error Counter pages, Write, Read, Read Reverse, and Verify (code 02, 03, 04, and 05h)
Table 128 defines the parameter code field for the write, read, read reverse, and verify error counter pages.
Field definitions (listed alphabetically)
Parameter Code
Parameter codes 00h through 06h specify six counters each for write, read, read reverse, and verify errors (24 counters). A
description of the type (category of error) counters specified by codes 00h through 06h are described following.
0000h Error Corrected Without Substantial Delay. An error correction was applied to get perfect data (like ECC on-
the-fly). “Without substantial delay” means the correction did not postpone reading of later sectors (e.g., a
revolution was not lost). The counter is incremented once for each logical block that requires correction. Two
different blocks corrected during the same command are counted as two events.
0001h Error Corrected With Possible Delay. An error code or algorithm (e.g., ECC, checksum) is applied in order to
get perfect data with substantial delay. “With possible delay” means the correction took longer than a sector
time so that reading/writing of subsequent sectors was delayed (e.g, a lost revolution). The counter is incre-
mented once for each logical block that requires correction. A block with a double error that is correctable
counts as one event and two different blocks corrected during the same command count as two events.
0002h Total (e.g., re-writes or re-reads). This parameter code specifies the counter counting the number of errors
that are corrected by applying retries. This counts errors recovered, not the number of retries. If five retries
were required to recover one block of data, the counter increments by one, not five. The counter is incre-
mented once for each logical block that is recovered using retries. If an error is not recoverable while apply-
ing retries and is recovered by ECC, it isn’t counted by this counter; it will be counted by the counter
specified by parameter code 01h – Error Corrected With Possible Delay.
0003h Total Errors Corrected. This counter counts the total of all correctable errors encountered. It is the sum of the
counters specified by parameter codes 01h and 02h. There is no double counting of data errors among
these two counters and all correctable data errors are counted in one of these counters.
0004h Total Times Correction Algorithm Processed. This parameter code specifies the counter that counts the total
number of retries or the number of times the retry algorithm is invoked. If after five attempts a counter 02h
type error is recovered, then five is added to this counter. If three retries are required to get a stable ECC
syndrome before a counter 01h type error is corrected, then those three retries are also counted here. The
number of retries applied to unsuccessfully recover an error (counter 06h type error) are also counted by this
0005h Total Bytes Processed. This parameter code specifies the counter that counts the total number of bytes
either successfully or unsuccessfully read, written, or verified (depending on the log page) from the drive. If a
transfer terminates early because of an unrecoverable error, only the logical blocks up to and including the
one with the unrecoverable error are counted.
0006h Total Uncorrected Errors. This parameter code specifies the counter that contains the total number of blocks
for which an unrecoverable data error has occurred.
Table 128: Write, Read, Read Reverse, and Verify Error Parameter Code field
0 00000000
Parameter Code