Seagate Fibre Channel Interface TV Cables User Manual

Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 255
Service Action
When processing Persistent Reserve Out service actions, the device server increments the generation value as specified in
Section 12.16.1 (see page 250).
00h Register. Register a reservation key with the device server.
01h Reserve. Create a persistent reservation with a specified scope and type.
02h Release. Release a persistent reservation for the requesting initiator.
03h Clear. Clear all reservation keys and all persistent reservations.
04h Preempt. Preempt persistent reservations from another initiator.
05h Preempt and Abort. Preempt persistent reservations from another initiator and abort the task set for the pre-
empted initiator.
06h-1Fh Reserved.
See definition on page 252.