Sharp DV-HR300H DVR User Manual

Dubbing (HDD/DVD)
To Stop Dubbing
You can also stop dubbing by
pressing STOP/LIVE or REC STOP.
Dubbing Titles Recorded to HDD to
Multiple DVDs
Operate Edit (page 77) to create Play List
and dub Play List as a unit. (Example:
Dubbing programmes more than 6 hours
long like a Christmas special in recording
mode you set.) If the original is dubbed as
is using a recording mode other than
“EXACT DUBBING”, the title will be
dubbed (moved) until the disc is full. (For a
“Copy Once” enabled programme, the
dubbed part will be erased automatically
from the HDD.) Take out the dubbed disc
and load a new one to continue dubbing.
In case you want to divide and dub a
“Copy Once” enabled programme to
several discs, stop dubbing manually and
reload the disc.
Front Panel Display during
PLAY indicator of media of original source
and REC indicator of media to dub light up
during dubbing.
Front display panel shows dubbing
movement in orange during dubbing.
Example: Dubbing a programme from HDD
to DVD.
Dubbing indicator
DV-HR350H/300H-047-052 2004.4.8, 10:41 AM50