Toshiba XVR16-120-X DVR User Manual

The camera status for each camera is displayed in the upper right corner on the Video Display Area. The following are the different
states for each camera:
Recording Displayed when the camera is currently being recorded to the XVR unit.
Motion Detection Displayed when a camera (set up for motion detection) detects motion.
Display Displayed when the camera is currently not being recorded to the XVR unit.
There are two types of XVR Special Recording. Text is displayed on the camera indicating what type of Special Recording is
SENSOR Sensor is displayed when a sensor, associated with a given camera, is activated.
INSTANT Instant Recording is a manual activation of the recording for the selected camera. Regardless of the recording method,
Instant Recording will start the camera recording and also flag the video for future searches using the Index Search
feature. INSTANT is displayed when a user activates the instant recording option. Double Right-Click the video display
to activate and deactivate the Instant Recording option.