
Press the DN and Select keys
simultaneously to access the
Function Mode List Display
Accessing the Programable Mixing Functions
Place the transmitter power switch in the ON position. Press the
Mode UP and DN keys simultaneously to enter the Function
Mode. Press either the UP or DN keys until PROG. Mix 1
appears in the upper left portion of the LCD (refer to figure
4.13 Programmable Mixing (1-6) (Function Mode)
Press the UP and DN keys
simultaneously to enter/exit
the Function Mode
Press the reset value at
cursor to factory preset
postion/value or to
inhibit Mixing function
To Programmable
Mixing 2
To Flap POT
Adjustment function
Press either the + or - key to
activate the mixing function; to
increase/decrease values; and
to change the EXP function
from OFF to ON
Press to move
the cursor
Mixing Channel
The XP8103 offers six (6) programmable mixes to be used for a
number of different purposes. The functions allows mixing any
one channel to any other channel.
The mix can remain ON at all times, or be switched OFF in
flight using a number of different switches. (Refer to figure 4.13B).
Each channel is identified by a four character name (i.e.,
Aileron - AILE, Elevator - ELEV, etc.). The channel appearing first
is known as the “master channel,” or the channel to which you
want to mix. The second channel is known as the “slave
channel,” or the channel that is being mixed into the master
channel. For example, AILE - RUDD would indicate aileron to
rudder mixing — each time the aileron stick is moved, the
aileron will deflect, and the rudder will automatically move in the
direction and to the value input. Mixing is proportional, so
small inputs of the master channel will produce small outputs of
the slave channel. Each programmable mix has a mixing
“offset.” The purpose of the mixing offset is to redefine the
neutral position of the slave channel.
Multi-Point Programmable Mixing
Programmable mixes 1 and 2 have the capability for multi-point
programmable mixing. The graphic mixing curve, located on the
right side of your screen, indicates the mixing curve selected
and is a useful reference tool when adjusting or storing points.
Up to 5 points can be stored, and these points can be moved
independently to any desired servo position from 0 to 100%.
(Refer to figure 4.13C).
SW Indicate
Switch Lever Position When Mixing Is On
ON Mixing Always On
MIX Mixing Switch Toward Self
LAND Flap Switch In land Position
ELE>F Flap Switch In ELEV Position
Retracting Landing Gear SW Toward Self