
4.5 Travel Adjust (Function Mode)
4.6 Stunt Trim (Function Mode)
The Stunt Trim Function is a trim position setting for aileron,
elevator and rudder for use during forward flight maneuvers. This
function is activated when in the flight modes 1 and 2.
Note: When this function is activated, the trim levers of the
aileron, elevator and rudder are inactive. Maximum adjustment
range is approximately 30 degrees.
To adjust the stunt trim, fly your helicopter in a straight line at full
throttle/pitch in flight mode 1 or 2. Center the elevator stick.
Note which direction the helicopter pitches. If the helicopter
pitches up, land the model and add down stunt trim. Repeat
until no pitching occurs.
Next, check the rudder. Add rudder stunt trim until the tail tracks
directly behind the helicopter. Finally, adjust the aileron stunt trim
in the same manner until no rolling occurs. When properly
adjusted, your helicopter will fly straight and level at full speed
with no correction or trim required.
In Function Mode, use the UP and DN keys to select Stunt Trim
and access by pressing the UP and DN keys simultaneously.
Channel being programmed
THRO Throttle
AILE Aileron
ELEV Elevator
RUDD Rudder
GEAR Channel 5
PITCH Pitch/Aux 1
AUX2 Aux 2
AUX3 Aux 3
Initail setting
Stunt Trim Value
Arrow indicates channel
to be adjusted
Press CLR key to reset value
(at arrow) to zero or to inhibit
stunt trim function
Press either + or - key to
activate and
Increase/Decrease value
Press the UP and DN keys
simultaneously to enter/exit
the Function Mode
Press the DN and Select keys
simultaneously to access the
Function Mode List Display
Press to increase or
decrease travel value;
move stick or switch to
manipualte arrow to the
position to be adjusted
(high/low, left/right)
Reset travel
value to factory
preset (100%)
To Stunt Trim
To Sub-Trim
Press to display
channels 1-4 and
5-8 (2 screens)
The purpose of Travel Adjust, also known as endpoint
adjustment or adjustable travel volume, is to offer you precise
servo control deflection in either direction of servo operation.
The travel adjust range is from 0-150% (0 degrees to 60
degrees) from neutral and it can be adjusted for each direction
individually. The factory default (data reset) value is 100% for
each direction of servo travel.
In the Function Mode, use the UP or DN key to select the Travel
Adjust function and access by pressing the UP and DN keys